The two surface samples were taken to provide an optional evaluation,
depending on the vertical distribution determined by the profiles, and to

obtain samples which would contain a significant fraction (550%) of the
activity deposited by fallout.

The shallow eam, O - 5 cm by 30 em’ core

would collect samples to a depth comparable to the range of typical fission

product gamma rays.

This would facilitate the correlation between the

activities of the various gamma emitting radionuclides with the terrestrial
exposure rates measured by field survey meters held one meter above the
sampling location.

The deep O - 15 cm by 30 om core would generally

contain a significant fraction of the activity deposited in areas subjected
only to close in fallout but not be so deep as to unduly dilute the radioactivity of the sample.
An attempt was made to obtain a sample of approximately 500 grams.
For this reason, two of the shallow cores were taken, side by side, and composited for each location.

The deep core provided a sufficient sample from

a single collection and was not duplicated.
The sidewall sampled profiles were taken at nominal depth increments

0-2, 2-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-25, 25-35 cm and at 10 cm increments to

total depth.

Further, if soil horizons were encountered, an attempt was to

be made to choose the interface lines as additional increments.

The shallow

portion of the profile could also be used as a surface-only sample, since
the increments allowed averaging over O-5 and O-15 cm.
Special tools were used to assure uniformity of sampling and ease of


The shallow core was obtained using a “cookie cutter” type

‘The sampler was a section of hardened steel pipe exactly 5 cm deep

with an internal cross-sectional area of 30 om*.

A handle on top assisted

in pushing the tool down into the soil to its depth.

The surrounding soil

Select target paragraph3