subject of much investigation.

In the cases of normal fallout and subsequent

leaching and other vertical movement mechanisms, the concentrations of the
various radionuclides with depth is expected to approximate an exponential
or log normal distribution.

From the limited number of soil profiles

obtained during previous survey efforts, this distribution seemed to hold for

undisturbed soils.

Of course, it did not hold where the soil had been disturbed

cy mechanical mixing.


Recognizing the types of soil, the vertical distribution of radionuclides
expected to be encountered, and the range of typical fission product gamma
rays, the collection process was designed to sample in three different ways.
Two surface samples were taken, a shallow and a deep core.

Where vertical

distribution information was required, a side wall sample profile was
obtained to depth from a trench,

The soil sampling tools are illustrated in

Figures 11, 12 and 13.


Select target paragraph3