for additional locations which could not be sampled due to coral outcroppings,
concrete padé, beach erosion, etc., which were not apparent on the drawings
used during the location selection process. These locations were then replotted
on the work maps and drawings, and also photographs, as available.


surface and profile locations were determined in this manner, so that the profile

would produce an additional surface sample and would also be randomly located.
The exact location of the sample collection was to be the center of the
area chosen by the grid and random number technique above.

It was realized

that the determination of such a point with any great precision or accuracy
in the field was technically impractical in most cases.

It was most important,

however, that the sample collector made every reasonable effort to locate the
position as closely as possible.

In particular, the sample was to come

fron within a 10-foot by 10-foot area defined as the center area for the
grid point.

Ideally, the sample would come from the exact center of this

limited area.

In the field the location was to be identified as indicated on

the map or photograph, but would probably be located by pacing or other field

The spot so determined by such pacing would be the actual spot

at the end of the designated number of paces and no other.

If there was

some obstacle to sampling at this specified location (which had not been
eliminated prior to the random selection process), then that fact would be
recorded in the field and no sample taken.

In this way, bias due to a collector

choosing the easiest location to sample, such as a clearing rather than within
a dense thicket, would be minimized.

This protocol was followed rigidly and

did, in fact, result in some collection groups going to great effort cutting
through jungle, arriving at the designated location to find it to be ona
large pad of concrete or outcropping of coral,

On JANET each sampling point

was located to great precision and accuracy by an engineering survey team

fielded for that purpose.

This additional effort was expended because of

the islands large size and dense vegetation cover.

Select target paragraph3