The aerial survey revealed hot spots on several islands which then

received special attention from the terrestrial effort.

Concern over

the contradictory nature and adequacy of the earlier rad-safe support
reports was justified when the aerial survey also located an abandoned

69c9 source at the site of an old dosimeter calibration facility on
Parry Island (ELMER).

This source was recovered and taken to the Nevada

Test Site for burial in an approved disposal site.


A complete set of aerial photographs of all the land and reef areas
of the Atoll was obtained as a byproduct of the aerial survey.

photographs were invaluable:


assisting in locating the safest approach

to islands for landing efforts, locating survey party positions and objects more exactly in the field, and determining the most efficient route
to locations.

Statistical Planning
Basic Objectives
The general objective of the Eniwetok Precleanup Survey was stated
“to be:

“to thoroughly evaluate radiological conditions on all islands of
the Atoll prior to commencement of cleanup activities in order
to provide sufficient radiological intelligence to be able to
develop an appropriate cleanup program to be accomplished ,"~/
This overall objective was interpreted to provide specific goals for

the soil and terrestrial radiation survey program,

These extended objec-

tives were:

To conduct a sample collection and terrestrial radiation

survey program which would assure truly representative
sampling of the soils and determination of the radiation

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