

Darived Curves


Pesk Ovarpresawe vo Diao”

Figura % shows the peak refire veo overgcelcure 4s 2B
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have been takes from the ISM sokutier (a:

ecnodavent with

cong ag wement wth

There is &
predictions made on the basis of Greenhouse tewev enct.
substantial differents; the tover expircic+s mse tr a Sea mal’.

enough that the pressurea reccided watt esern’ lacy coer a sant
surface, In this case, the exphosion 6 6. ever weisr. the presen.

theory indicates that somewhat highayT pecs pressure shown be obie ved
than if the expiorzien occured entirely cvev Land within ine fire’
few miles from the bomb, the peek prassuves may be reduced conyiderably
from the value shown here by the therma? effec. oy. ihe grovrd peler
to shock arrival.

At lone distances, such ax at Parry and Briwstck.

the pressures may bs lewe> ar higher for reasene cifed in Sec, 2 3

above, However, at leng distances, the pesk preseuTe ls a slowly
varying function of yield, such that on sight-feld increase in yield

merely deubles the pressure.


Peak Material Velocity vs Disvans
Coincident with the arrival cf the shack wave ia a wave

of material velocity whose peak value as a fur-tion cf diatancse
is given in Fig. 2. The relationship be.vecr peak material velotity
and reeprpeure is







Veet. 7)
u = material velocity
C, =

<> P/P ~

ambient sound velotity

overpressure, in atwospheres

The duration of this wind is comparable to the pesiti-::
duration of the blast pressure.

Presaure vs Tins

Figures 3, hb, 5, and 6 give estimates fer the pressure ¥¢

time wave at selected pressure levels of 4,600, 105, 40 and % p3i and
indicate the variation in the ferm of the pressure wave at these prassure

levels, At high pressures and clese in there is nce negative phase; pressure
ascays assymptotically te wre. Meresver, "length of the positive phase"
is strongly influenced in this regien by the rise of the fireball, which at
tenuates pressures shortly after shock arrival, and should reduce the

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