111 yo eee a | end recommendations for specific equipment arotection, geo Annex "A", Conclusion: Structural damage on Parry and Enivetok very minor. Take such measures as are reagonably easy to take <= labor-wise, timswise, and small expense, THERMAL (Authority: Lt.Col, Franeis Porzel=representing the Thermal Group of les Alamos Scientific Laboratory) S Mt = 10 MI will produce 1 ealorie per am, (It takes about 8 calories per cm’ to char wood), For detailed thermal effects, see Annex FAR, Conclusion: Eniwetck, No pFecautionary measures are required on Parry and Will not damage motor vehicle tires, No effect on vapors coming out of gasolins storage tanks, WATER WAVE EFFECTS (authority: Dro Roger Revelle; Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Engebi Rojoa 100 ft, wave 50 ft. wave Runit 30 £t, ware Japtan 17 ft. wave Parry 17 ft. wave Enivetok 16 ft. wava Breakers will be twice size; not dangerous at Eniweotok, Parry, or Jeptan, Amount of yield above 5 MI has no effect as size of wave is Linited by depth of lagoon, rapicly. After three or four waves, size falls off Engebi will be covered by a wash. None of Eniwetok, Parry, or Jeptan will be covered by washo Small boats hauled up on 9 ft. high beach are safo; however, a more practical solution presented was that of anchoring the craft in deep water not legs than 50 feat without any other special precautions, Conclusion: There is no expected dangsr ashore from wave eetion on Enivetok, Parry, or Jantan. No danger is anticipated to anchored encll craft except possible anchor drag.