present in the G, J. tract at one day post detona-

tion in the members of Group IT was estimated
us approximately 3me. This activity was contributed chiefly by isotopes of short radiological
and biolowical half-life and limited solubility.

Thus the levels of activity in the tissues of the
hody were relatively low. The concentration
of radioisotapes at G months posi detonation
was barely detectulie in the urine of most exposed individuals.

Todine, which is quite solable. ts probably

the mast lazardous internal endioemitéer in the

early period following exposure (10). The
dose to the thyroid was appreciable, but low
compiayed to the partially or totally ablatine
doses of 11" used in therapy of hyperthyroidism
or carcinoni. At one day post detonation Sr
was calculated to be near the maxiuviun pernossille level (4) for this nuclide. At later
times following exposure, this longer-lived fission product presents the zreatest potential in-

~ ternuad drazard.

The present study confirms the observation

natde in animal experiments that most of the
racioucltive elements fosmed in fission as well
ts the fissile material itself, are uot readily ale
sorbed from the hiungs and the G. 7. tract. Only
I, Sv, Ba anda few of the rare earth elements
were absorbed to any significant degree,


An attempt to measure bone-fixed radioactive
emitters by means of sensitive filny badges taped
below the knee, over the epiphysis of the tibia
on a number of persons, yielded no positive
No correlation could be obtained between the
degree of internal contamination and the clinical and hematological findings. . In view of the
short half-life of the most abundant fission
products cleposited internally in this situation,
the possibility that chronic irradiation effects
will occur is quite small. Thus, an evaluation

of the data on the internal contamination, in-


On the basis of an assumed uptake of 20 per- cent per 24 hours, the integrated dose to the
thyroid from I and other shorter-lived iodine
isotopes was calculated by the USNRDLto be
about 100 rep. The LASL has estimated that
this dose was about 150 rep for Rongelap group
and 50 rep for the Americans.
The differing appronches used by the
ESNRDL and the LASL for estimating the
body burden gave results which, except for
Balt, are very close.
The mean body burdens of the individual
nuclides presented in Table 5.6 were calculated
for the Rongelap group. Values for the
Ailinginne group were approximately half
those of the Rongelap group, and values for
“Americans, about one-fourth those of the
Rongelap group.
The total amount of radioactive material

cluding that of Sr*, leads to the conclusion that
the internal hazard to the contaminated inhahitants of the Marshall Islands is minimal both
from the acute and the long range point of view.

Source of Iocernal Contamination

The fallout material consisted Jargely of
calcium oxide and calcium carhonate. The
fission products were adsorbed mainlyon fairly
large particles. The material was 10 percent
soluble in water, and completely soluble in acid.
Internal deposition of fission products resulted from inhalation and ingestion of the fallout maiterial. Ingestion appears to be the more
important of the twa routes of entry into the
ody. ‘Fhe activity in the air settles ont fairly
rapidly, but contaminated food. water and
utensils retain their activity for long periods of
The amount of fission products reaching the
hioodstream Chrough the respiratory tract isa
function of particle size and solubility of the
airborne contaminants. The particles with
which the activity was assoctated were considerably Jarger than the optimum size for
deposition in the alveolar tissue of the lung.
Thus, the probabilityof the retention of inhaled
airborne confamination was not appreciable
during the exposure period.
The lipothesis that Ingestion was the chief
source of imternal contamination is supported
by the finding that the gastro-intestinal tract,
its contents, and the liver of autopsied chickens
and pigs sacrificed at early jutervials following

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Select target paragraph3