analysis of the human urine and of the tissues

and urine of animals from Rongelap. The
mean body burdens of che radionuclides in the
Ailinginae group were approxinuttely one-half
tho-e of Rongelap, and the mean body burdens of the Americans about one-fourth of the

Ronugelap gronp. While the activity excreted
per unit volume of urine was the same for adults
and children from Rougelap, the total activity
excreted in the urine in 24 hours by children
under 15 years of age was significantly lower
than that excreted by the adults.
The total anrount of radioactive material in
the G. TL. tract at one diy post detonation was
estiniated to be Some in people fram Ronvelap.
This activity was contributed chiefly by isotopes
af short radiological and biolowical half-life
and Tnutted solubilicy, and thus the levels of activity in the t ssues of the badly were relatively
low. The concentration of radioisotopes at
months post detonation was barely detectable ta
the urine of most of the exposed individuals.

The estimated dose to the thyraid from P*
and other short-lived iodine isotopes was TU



creased the rate of excretion of activity 2.5

times. However, the decrease of the body burden was slisht, as the excretion rate was very
Jowat this time,
Analysis of the internal contamination indicates that the dose (o the tissue of the body
was near, but, with exception of the dose to the
thyroid, dict not exceed the miatxiniim permissible doze levels. The activity fixed in the body
decreased rapidly as a functionof time. The
contribution of the eects af internal contami.
nation to the total radiation respouse observed
appears Ca be small on the basis of the-estimated
body burden of che radioelements. In view of
the short half-life of the niost abundant fission
products in the situation, the possibilicy that

chronic irradiacion effects will oceur is small.


Internal Contamination of

Tyo: Istrreenan Cons tasixation of a nvunher of

_ animals collected on Rongehip was studied. The

ACtIVEEY in their urine was studied, and radiochemical analyses were made of various tissues.

Phese data provided the basis for estimating

the body burden of the radioisotopes in human
bemgs, In addition, henutolowieal and pathoJomiead studies were nde, and attoradiographs
of selected Cssues were prepared. AC tuber
Of Che auntials are also beine studied for the

elie Me LS oI take

At one day post detonation, the concentra-

tion of Srwas calculated to be near the maximui permissible level for this nuclide. At
later times following exposure, this longer-lived
fission product presents the greatest potential
Internal hazard.
Ora] administration of calcium EDTA beginning 7 weeks post detonation to a representative group of individuals from Rongelap in-


to 140 rep for Rongelap. lJodine is probably
the most hazardous internal radioemitter at
early times after exposure. The dose to the
thyroid, althoneh greater than tolerance, was
low compared to the partially or totally ablating doses of I used in the treatment of
hyperthyroidism or carcinoma.

pI ll il

monucleir explosion, This internal contamination resulted from both inhalation and ingestion of fallout material.
Hich levels of activity were found in water
and on the external surfaces of plants. The
contaniination of the internal portions of fruits
and vegetables was small. Of the individual
radionuclides, Sr, because of its high solubility and relatively Jong radioactive half-life was
probably the isotope of greatest potential hazard in the environment.
Few of the fission products present in the
environment were readily absorbed from the
lungs and the G. I. tract. Radiochemical analysis of the urine samples from the Rongelap
people indicates that Sr, Ba andthe rare earth
group together constituted 75 percent of the
total beta activity of the urine at 45 days post
detonation. Sr was the predominant radionuchde at this tine, contributing 42 percent of
the total beta activity. Assays for fissile material in the pooled urine sainples were negative.
The human body burden of individual radionuclides was estimated from? radiochemical






Select target paragraph3