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exposed in the Los Mamas rector accidents and one exposed in the Yueoslav accident died despite Vigorous antibietic therapy. bois possible that
pnproved results would be obtained with a schedule of aduilnistration
designed to avoid the development of resistant bacteria ‘Coulter and
Millers. Of significance tn this regard ia the recent report (Hammond «fala
showing that mice exposed to neutron radiation are protected from death
by antibiotics during the first 10 days, hut not in the Tt- to 80-day period
when most nice die following gamma or x-radiation. This would indicate
that under some conditions, at Jeast, infection alone does not account for
the mortality observed.
Thus, there is no doubt that infection contributes greatly to the discase
process, and mortality following exposure to total body radiation, However,
it is equally clear that acute radiation illness is not an infeetious disease in
the usual sense; rather infection is a compheation of a scrious debilitating
underlying disease which specifically interferes with defense mechanisms
against bacterial invasion. Death may occur in some individuals whether
infection is present or not, at high dose levels. Thus antibiotics cannot be
expected to be curative as with primarily infectious discases, and dramatic
cures cannot be expected from this type of therapy. However, as with any
debilitating disease, antibiotics definitely will prevent death in a certain
number who might otherwise die -prevent death until regeneration and
restoration of functions allows normal defense mechanisms to again protect
the exposed individual. Mechanisms of inercascd susceptibility to infection. Nearly all
known body defenses against bacterial invasion have been reportedly impaired by large doses of total body radiation. Thus the skin and mucous
membranes may show small eroded areas, frequently secondary to hemorrhage, that provide portals of entry for bacteria. It has been shown that
the number of bacteria able to cross the intestinal barrier does not increase
following irradiation; however, those that cross are able to multiply and
produce a fatal bacteremia in the host whore defenses in general are lowered
(Gordon ef al.). The leukopenia and impaired antibody pruduction contribute greatly to the increased susceptibility to infection, and a failure to
adequately clear the blood stream of bacteria indicates functional impairment of the phagocytic cells. Radiation mortality correlates well with the
degree of granulocytic leukopenia (Smith c al.). Antibody production is
seriously impaired (Stoner).
9.6 Résumé of Acute Radiation Effects
To recapitulate and summarize, it is apparent that diffuse celhilar injury
of different degrees is sustained by all tissues at the time of exposure to

radiation. The exact mechanism by which this injury is produced remains

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