average reading on the 42-18 radiac instruments were 200 mr/hr.


pass at 250 ft altitude was 340 ur/hr. The aircraft climbed to 5000 ft
to attempt direct radio communication with the USS Estes or Eniwetok.

Transmissions were garbled and intermittent.

The following message

(message #4), however, was received by the AOC, Mniwetok, at 1043, 2

March from Navy aircraft #1902 "Should Rongerik Island be evacuated at

Request immediate answer",

The message as received did not make

much sense but Lt Colonel Crosty, TG 7.4 Operations, queried Lt Colonel
Richard House, Rad-Safe Officer, JTF SEVEN. House's information based

on shipboard contamination (USS Estes-USS Bairoke) in the target area

and fall-out prediction indicated that Rongerik should be in the same
contamination level as the ship or approximately 300 mr/hr. The effect
should be transient and disappear in a few hours.

He counseled no

evacuation. Crosby then sent a message to Navy aircraft 1902 informing
them not to evacuate Rongerik. This message was sent to Navy aircraft

1902 at 1117M on 2 March 1954 (Message #5).

@. The request from Crosby was received by “avy 1902 and
Chrestensen sent back that his only radiological reading was "340 mr/br

at 250 ft altitude." This message was received at TG 7.4 as "340 mr/br
at 250 ft.

This was discussed by Crosby and Houghton and Chrestensen

was informed at 1126, DAl, to disregard message to not evacuate and again
requested the radiological situation’ in more detail (Message #6).


f. Chrestensen finally landed at 1130, 2 March, and made a quick
rad survey of the island and work spaces. It was as follows:

Inside buildings
Outside buildings
Outside buildings

0.6 r/br
1.8 r/br (waist height)
2.4 r/br (sand surface)


1.2 r/br


3/2 v/for

Surface of one bed in
One inch from ground


Eight (8) men was loaded on the Navy aircraft and started for

Kwajalein. As the aircraft departed Chrestensen was informed by the pilot
that additional information on the rad situation was requested by TG 7.4.

A reading of 3.2 r/hr at one inch was sent (not received). At 1125 Crosby
received a TWX stating that the Navy aircraft had taken off eight (8)


(Message #7 & 8).

h. At 1439 a classified message was received from JTF SEVEN LNO
at Kwajalein stating “Upon advise of Captain Chrestensen, Adm Clark is

returning same aircraft to Rongerik to evacuate remaining personnel =
Hughes sends." At 1440 a confidential message was received from JTF SEVEN
LNO Kwajalein addressed to JTF SEVEN Eniwetok and TG 7.4. Eniwetok:

Crosby's request following submitted.

assist by Adm Clarke.


DOD DIR 520018)


Captain Hughes was requested to

Following is summary,

Navy 1902 UF~1 with Chrestensen


DOD DIR 5200.1




Select target paragraph3