fe Joout with rormation of soveral sovereign states within this region. are also ’ the Hes Data included for some of the central and southern Marshall Islands which were reached by U. S. Denartment af Energy field trips ships. oO Field measurements of external radiation were conducted with 4 a pressurized ion chamber environmental radiation monitor, and Dy in situ gamma spectrometry with (3 cm X 53 cm) sodium iodide scintillation detectors. Soil samples were also collected at most of the measurement sites. These were later analyzed in gq the laboratory for gamma emitters by high resolution gamma spectrometry; and for ?*Sr/?°Y, and in some cases 737, ?*°Pu et The primary purpose of the in situ gamma spectral easurements 3 het Gy XJ 9o Data on strontium Lae bk 107) ct > ke a) Qu inc! As ct oO re - and transuranics po by radiochemical separation and counting. was to provide a data base for energy dependence corrections for the stainless steel-walled ion chamber detector. <aAs a result the measurements were made at low resolution (100 KeV per channel) from 0 to 2.5 MeV. A programmable calculator was used to fold the gamma spectra into the ion chamber response characteristic to correct for energy dependence in the environmental radiation monitor. Coerrection factors were typically about +5 The ion chanbder instrument presented tre instantaneous exposure rate digitally in LR/hr based on samplings of the ambient