-6put on ice as soon as possible after collecting and placed in
a freezer on being returned to the laboratory.

Tissues were

dissected, weighed, and dried at the Eniwetok laboratory.
tissues taken were skin, muscle, bone,


liver and viscera (diges-

tive tract and contents) from the larger fish, or like tissues
were pooled from a number of small fish of the same species,or
entire fish were used.
540° C,

At the University of Washington

the dried samples were ashed at temperatures up to


slurried, dried and counted in an internal gas-

flow counting chamber.

The total number of plates resulting

from all 34 collections was 2,167 (averaging about 64 plates
per collection).
All counts for radioactivity were corrected to the date of

the decay factors for all Eniwetok samples being

based on a soil sample collected at Belle Island May 15,


Corrections were also made for self-absorption, backscatter,
geometry and coincidence.

The radioactivity is expressed in

microcuries per kilogram of wet tissue.

Disintegrations per

minute per gram can be converted to microcuries per kilogram

using the relationship uc/kg = (2.2) (10)3 d/m/g.

Trends or Decline in the Levels of Radioactivity
General trends of the radioactivity in the fish collected

at Belle Island are shown in Figure 2.

Lines connecting the

points for data on muscle and liver tissue reveal trends similar

Select target paragraph3