for the traverses indicated.
it» noted tnaat the east-west profile particularly snows that tne siope ° the lip is very slight and

that there is almest no elevation atove tne original ground level. As
a result of tris gentle slope tne rad:. at criginal grounc level becomes difficult tc
the contour maps.

determine and



ensitive to elevation errors in

The upper part of Fig. 3.14 :
«& map of tne Shot 3 area showing
the traverses made oy tne snip wniue *ne dava for the profiles were
being taken.
The profiles are Snow. oc. tne pottom of Fig. 3.10 and
Fig. 3.11.
Merk rumoers are snown on tie traverses and on the profiles.
It is to be ncted =nat the survey cr Snot 4 was made 24 days after the
shot itself anc that tne wave producec ny Shot 4 had completely inundated the lip <f tne Snot % crater.
he: ause of the righ level of radioactivity it wes acy oassible to accompl sn any survey cf the abovewater portion f t.e ‘rater and comsewuentl. toe diameters and the
heignt of tne .1: 47 "n2 Original « tin
‘evel are subject to some uncertainti.



Figures :.42 and 4.13 show a simt ar map and profiles of the Shot
4 area.
Agair tne numbers or tae ?i@ures correspond to mark numbers
taken during tne survey.
As noted in section 2.3.2, because of the
interference cc! otner activities or tne day tne survey was made, it was
not possible tc run jdiametral traverses and. as shown on Fig. 3.12, the
chord traverses actually depart from toe center rather far.
For this
reason a diametrai profile, ABCOE. nas seen estimated from tne results
of the three <norc profiles shown.
ry to toe snot the lagoon floor
at tne snot pcint was at a depts of
was guite irresu.e~, wWitc 4a senera.

and wits @ laree
tnat tne effec*
rectly under the
Mud or fine
the profiles e*

rumser of ccral neac:.,
Tne post-snot survey indicated
of tie Smoot was t ‘ en ra~.ze or depress tne pottom di¢.ot point and te ‘est tne coral neads in tne vicini(almost suspended
san! wa: deposited as indicated in

by HRN during ‘se
of 250 ft.


The bottom in tne vicinity
s.-.e toward tne center of the lagoon

.oifcrm deptn 2:






ae 2+ “p>


Lead line soundings

a later snot gave a depth


On Fig.
..+ crater raciu
.+ ; co. ted as a function of yield (log
scales botn we.s
‘:: @ll surface oucts “or wahicn data are readily available.
Trese cate .no.cde ene 2c TN”
n4arges in clay and at
Utah and Nevada, togetner with sim.a
cuarges in wet clay and sand at
Camp. Cooke.
fil t.e ctner points a: e ».:lea- explosions ranging from
the JANGLE surtacve


in Nevaca




IVY Mike,

and CAS-

TLE Shot loin ‘he rac.vic.
Thus, ° &
pis plotted include a wide
variation un .Cl. (naracteristils an. 42. sxtcemel. wide variation in

It is part .tucarly



1 *@1

of the gross «.ffere7-*® in energy tart:
Wh oe * e@ weints plctte:


no account nas been taken

ion v.etween TNT and nuclear ex*4e cing_e exception of tne

Select target paragraph3