of so smal. 4 crater ard it urove: .mpossibdle to run cross wind in sufficient. straight courses t. ta.- taut wire measuremerts effective;
hence, tor two of tne three ~in. i modified procedure was develop
the spot ct. wnhicn tne cvoat's ancnor cable was marked of
allowed ~:





anda was _aen*

GPback ‘by the

but priv:



ancnor winter.
“he post-Shot 3 aerial sur
as made a few days after



From tr.s



a post-shot contour map snowing,

of course, cnoly tne section avove tne waterline was constructed.

The post-Saot 3 fatnomete:

survey was made or 1 May, the 24th


day after the snot.
Snmot 4+ nac . itervened and the water-wave resulting
from Shct + nad wasned over tne 1 p of the Shot 3 crater.
This had the
effect ¢f smoctning and lowering .ne ..p to an unknown extent (believed
to be slignt;, Yilling in tne co tuum of the crater and reducing the
devel oi rac.woactivity.
During * © crater survey, the radiation level
10 ft arcve tne water survace wa. apo. ¢O mr/hr and above the lip 1500
mryhr t .
ort Oe omrear,
[nh owne postshot surve, in .ne c.cinity of Shot 4 there was a
Similar pressure of time.
A varg was being put into place for a later
shot anc it was impossible cc app: vac. close to the presumed center of
the Shot + crater.
Three tau’ wlce runs were obtaiced but for the reason just stated all are cnora. *-ather than diameters.
Additional data
in regarc «tc tnis crater were ortained from the Scripps Institution of
Oceanogrep:.., wic had run a fatnomete- survey two days previously to
permit essurance to the capta.c
~ «me USS Curtiss tnat it was safe for
the shi;


croveed into tne area

Tue fathometer surveys in this area,

as in tre vtner srate:s
shcowec & ver. flat bottom, obviously the reSut of rivling-2 gq of mud
smd or vine .ani te obscure the bottom of the
in addition tc tre Saticsete: data, information regarding
lead-line dept. and iengtr of c.a.n .. dLoys and moors was obtained
from the Bah 2roup resron i
Lacemen* of tne narge for the later


Select target paragraph3