The Committee also wishes to note that a great majority of past
recommendations have been carried out, and that at present there
appears to be greater confidence by the Rongelapese and Utirikese

in the_validityoftheannual medical examinations towhich they


Furthermore, there have been encouragingresponses

from the United States Government, most particularly the Brookhaven

National Laboratory and the Atomic Energy Commission in supporting in
a substantive way suggestions made by the Committee and also P.L, 5-52

which was enacted by the First Regular Session of the Fifth Congress.

The Committee also wishes to draw attention to the excellent cooperation
it has received not only from such departments of the Executive Branch
as Health Services and the Office of the Attormey General, but also from
the people of Utirik and Rongelap.
It igs the belief that the intent of its recommendations were to be carried

out, that the reason for its own existence will cease, and that in the
future even though the committee will continue to monitor the situation
with March 31, 1975 - other problems or complications with regard to this
matter can be handled by the people themselves and at the district level.
It is thus, with this intent in mind, that your Special Joint Committee
submits this report.
Respectfully submitted,

goer Olympio T.

Representative Timothy Olkeriil

ee TEE

Represenfative Ataji Balos

Select target paragraph3