within the United States and $100,000 ,000 for each incident outside
the United States (USCA 42 S 2210 (e) ),

An example of the actual cost of such an incident can be found in the
AEC publication "Operational Accidents and Radiation Exposure
Experience Within the...1943-1970,"

(Fall, 1971):

Golden, Colorado, May 11, 1969 $45,000,000,

The AEC's

costliest fire, and largest property loss incident,
occurred at a plant which produces plutonium parts for
nuclear weapons,.,''Financial loss for the damage to
building and contents includes the cost of decontamination.

There were no lost-time injuries to personnel,"
Other incidents ran from $4 to $1 million and it was noted that ''Few
AEC accidents/typically three per year...result in a loss of $50,000

or more; however, these infrequent occurrences have cumulatively
inflicted about 90 percent or more of the aggregate loss suffered to


The Rocky Flats figure represented 56 percent of the claims

up to 1970,
For the record, there is no doubt in the mind of the Special Joint
Committee that the United States Government was responsible for what

has happened to the people of Rongelap and Utirik.

This was clearly

spelled out in its previous report to the Congress of Micronesia in


There also is no question in the minds of the people of


Select target paragraph3