Other Kinds and Forms of Compensation

Ags has been noted elsewhere in places in this report, the people
of Rongelap and Utirik received other kinds of "compensation"
eucing their removal from their islands.

The Rongelapese and Utirikese

were housed and fed on Kwajalein, received copra payments, and
eventually received payment for loss of personal possessions,
Rongelapese had new dwellings built on Aijit,

and continued



receive a copra payment, a payment for food, and cast off clothing (most
of which was

for men, much

to the distress of the women from Rongelap).

Before returning to Rongelap,

the AEC contracted with Holmes

and Narver and constructed at a cost of about 5300 ,000 new buildings

on Roneelap.

The people were also given pigs and chickens to replace

those whicn either died or were taken by the AEC and used

in inedical

as well as some imported food and by one report,

boat upon departure of


a 16-foot

team which returned them to the island,

Select target paragraph3