proposal which would authorize the direct payment of $11,000 to each
person entitled to such a payment and without further control by
the Secretary;

that is,

it would eliminate the trust fund provision

and make direct payment to each individual entitled.
We would like to have your opinion, pentlemen, on a direct
distribution of the money as opposed to the establishment of a
trust fund te be administered by the Government.
Mr. Kabua:

Well, ifr. Chairman, I think the wishes of the people

are that they want to receive the money directly rather than have
it in a trust fund administered by this--

Senator Church:
legislation along.

Well, pentlemen, we are hopeful to move this
There has been considerable delay but your

testimony will be most helpful to us.
Senator Nelson:

Is this an equal payment of $11,000 to each

Senator Walters:

[f think that

is right;


is the way I read

the bill.
Senator Church:


that is my understanding.

If this bill were passed and the per capita distribution were
made of $11,009, in your judgement would this be regarded as a
satisfactory settlement

insofar as these people are concerned

be undértaken in lieu of a bill of this sort?
lic. Kabua:

Yes, Sir, I think other than getting to the court

action this would be most satisfactory to the people.


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