
In addition to those mentioned in the preceding two items,

those who were, at the time of the dropping of A-Bomb or

thereafter, under such circumstances as to be affected
to their bodies the influence of radioactivity of A~bomb;

Those who were, at the time when the persons mentioned in
the preceding three items came to fall under the causes
provided for in said respective items, the foetus of
Said persons.


As was mentioned in our earlier report,

the irradiation of

the 23

Japanese fishermen on the Diego Maru No. 5 created a panic in Japan,
because people feared that tuna fish caught in and around the waters of
Bikini were radioactive, and thus: could cause sickness to the people
who ate the canned or fresh fish.

Because of this great concern-—

which was made a stronger by the past experience of the Japanese at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the United States Government moved very fast in
arranging for compensation to the people of Japan--in contrast to the
nearly 12 years Lt took to give any substantial compensation to the
people of Rongelap.

The exact amount of this compensation from the United States

Government to the Japanese Government was $2,000,000 (two million U.S.

This money was then divided by the Japanese Government

amongst the persons who had claims for damages--this included not only
the 23 Japanese fishermen, but also the many Japanese fish retailers
and fishing companies.

In the Marshall Island many people have heard

and believe that the Japanese fishermen each received $2,000,000 each.
This is not correct,

Select target paragraph3