(Although not of direct concern to the Nevada iroving Grounds, it is
of interest to note that soils were collected from the Narshall Islands
following the faliout 1m early sarch 1954.

Appendix -| suamarizes these

A racent report® strongly suggests that contamination of leaf
surfaces followed by either direct consumption or intake by way of milk
is far more en Lspertant pathway of intake than by the soil-plant-aninmal
cycle, at least for those times of yesr when plants may be in a state of
growth to eollect the fallout.

Further gndysis is being planned.

This same report* raises a new problem.

Based on stated assumptions,

tie data presented indicates that doses to the thyroid from fodine radioisotope: may be a greater Lasard than x

Further, the rejort suggests

that for-tiose tines sfyear vhen intske of fallout. nstertalaayoon.by-vay2f-jeafs-surfaeec, the dose to the thyroid (delivered in a few veeks) may
be wany times greater than the theoretical maximus external dose.


evaluation will be given thie problem.


L.c, july 1954

USAEC, Division of Biology and Medicine,



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Select target paragraph3