radiation exposure whenever possible, bathing snd a change of elothing aight
be suggested for situations vhere the whole-body infinity gamme dese ves

leas than 10 roentgens and ghould be recomended for areas where the exposure
ise higher,

In table II 1% was suggested that the relative e«verage game dese

rates frou am infinity contaminated field at three feet sbove the ground
compared to that on the natives measured by a survey zeter held close to the
body vas!

arche s 7/1 (Utirtk atoli)
15 mr

§3 ur,


= 8/i (Allinginae atoll)

= 16/1 (Rongalap Ato22)

It is recognised there are many uncertainties in estinsting augh «
relationship by this means.

FEven if one assumes the dose rate readings vere

taken accurately the factors involved, espeesially in velation to the srnoumt

of waterial collected and retained on the tedy, certainly are not constant.
The higher ratio at RFongelap Atoll might have been due to a physical
phenomenon where the quantity of material falling per unit area was #0
great that it was not retained so completely en the body.

Even if this

explanation is accepted, there still remain many questions.
Theoretical considerations indicate a gamma doze rate ratio at three

feet above an infinitely contaminated field to that at four inches fren an

equally contaminated field ef six inch radius to be about 7/1.
au. 4

Me ee hh


(See Appendix D.)


Select target paragraph3