reviain indoors,

Once was at Lincoln “ine following the second istonation

of Upshotefnothole where they were so recuested to remain indoors for two

hours and the other occasion would have been at Riverside Cabins (population
about 15) following the ninth detonation of the same series.

reading at Linceln Mine vas $50 mr/hr at HA2.

The dose rate

In the case of Riverside

Cabins, however, the radiological conditions were not ascertained until
after the fallout had eccurred.

The maxisum infinity game dose in the

latter case was 12-15 roentgens.

Personnel wore requested to remain indsors (for about two hours)

following the ninth detonation of Upshot-Knothole. The highest dose rate
reading was 320 mr/hr at Fo plus 4.5 hours.

This is lesa than the current





Select target paragraph3