burns, 2, zoderate burns, 2, no burns, 3 with moderate epilation, and 15
with no epilation,

Im addition, Rongelap nativee received 150 roentgens

whole-body gama dose, and about

90% showed some degrees of lesions and $af

some degree of erilation,

It is to be recalled that:

(a) the natives probably were out<-of-

doors and received the full fallout, (b) the oly hair, semi=naked pare
spiring bodies ineluding bare feet, and lack of bathing for most would tend
to collect and hold the fallout material, (¢) the time of delivery ef essentially all of the doses was two to three days.

Further, it may be specu-

lated that the fallout on the sore distant island of Utirtk (about 300
statute ciles)

would consist of smaller particles and also perhaps lesser

possibility of overlapping of radiation fields from thease particles.

Sone of the relevant data are summarised in table IZ.

Due to the

uncertainty of the degree of exposure of persomel on Rongerik to the direct
fallout, thie group is net included.

It fs to be immediately exphasised that

any cocparisons made or inplied in the table are at the post only seni~

quantitative, Table II will be referred te in Policies III andiV but 1s
included here as a eumnary of the data discussed above.

On Exosures
The data on animal exposures are less firm then those for hwnans.

Unnistakable beta burns cecurred on cattle at Alamogordo im July 1045, on
cattle at the Hevada Proving Grounds in spring 1952, and on horses in

Select target paragraph3