from t7le2,) cecause of t.e pi: sical conditions deseribed a ove, tiese
reductiow i: coutaminvatio: prowally ere urar teourcer limit te o« expected
from wind,

O erational Feasi'iiit, of Criteria

It ia not the ineent here to discuas eperatioszal procedures, but it
shoule be indicated that t « computing of radiation doses aa recommended
in Folie: Y ig a

wot teo cif fieult task.

If one assumes @ pie? rate of

deca; a3 a first ac-oreximation, tien a-single grapof dese rates versus
times after detowtion can ie constructed that «(11 represent a 30 reectren

effective ticlov‘cal dose for one year,

An additional family of curves can

be made t st will crevice tre answers to tre paraccters of nome. time would

t@ avalla le j.e‘ore evacuation an’ of how low a tine personnel would ave to
remain ao: o° ¢t.e

radiation arpa in order to orov!se ton savings of at

least LO roenicens,

The iichest wiole-‘ody gamma dose recorded for any
locality where
Perso caal were present outside the Nevada Proving Crounds was
at Siverside
Ca las, Nevada (aout 15 people) following shot
num-er seve. of Tum ler-


The mastmm theoretical infinity garcsa dose was estimated to Le







12-15 roeitrens,

Select target paragraph3