Tiseussio: of t.e Rlolocfeal Factor:

1: the deliver of a rive: radiation


As lower perlocds of time are involved

dosc, lesser Liolosical effects mm, te

From the time of fallout util the time of evacuation orvbably

will 'e a matier of hours wiie

uas bec:. gonaidered essentisil. a: insta stan

eous dose, 1.¢., tc liological dose factor ie 1/1.

Prom the time svacumtion

could ‘e accomplis:ecd to time ef retur:. probabil: would be a miter of da:s,

fo the ‘iological factor as been estizmated at J/m
until one vear later is essential

fiector sas tee. estimitad at SIT.

From 15 dacs after fallout

a durativ.. of one year, so t.s biological

It wil Le rwted v ere is wo calculation

aver ose year, recacse it is expected uncer asectual evndi tions of radioloricel
aod weat-erin: that pro abl. oo eirpnifica.t dose will be delivered after a
ears time.

It is recoriizec t at te precise quantities mi ested for t e¢ } iolo-deal factor es ot “e grcorted &) eu.clusive evicenos.
expect tat te deliver

It 4s reasonalle to

of gs rive: pacdiatio: dose over a period of many days

willoiave levy tinlovtcal effectiveness t a; an instactanseous one (ne: lector

genetic effects) ad tat H.e extenslo. of te period to esve tially ov year

8 old dele a still lower *-ivlorical factor,

is t.e work

One nleee of supportive evidence

of “tranievist™ where ‘-ray doses to the skin rere fractionated

3 equal cats arovata, and tie Liolorical effects compared to a one treat-

bent dose.

and plot of total dozes versus days after initial treatment

sielded strai.” t lines,

For exmaple, the curve for sxin necrosis ‘dicated a

ratio of 3000/6700 reentrens for a one treatment versus 15 dail, equally
vheverts elf kW, "The Tolerance roe and the Prevention of Injuries Caused
- loniging Fadiations®. F030 Jee es te Sadie oe

why! Dex236Aur.







Select target paragraph3