Copra processing plants which process copra from islands of the

western Pacific ere in the Philippines and Japan.

The copra is washed

and run through a press which extracts the coconut oil leaving a residue which is called copra meal.

The oil is used in foods and cosmetics.

The oil is reported to have a low mineral content and very low levels
of radioactivity.

Radioactivity such as

137 Cs

in the processec. copra

ends up in the copra meal which contains about 20> protein and 5% oil.
This meal is a good quality animal feed and is used for dairy cows.

137 Cs in copra meal can be expecved to be

On a gran basis the levcl of

5 to 10 times the level in fresh coconut meat.

In the case of coconuts

from Bikini, if the levels of 137 Cs in future crops are as high as found

in the 1969 samples, the copra meal may contain 60C to 1,200 pCi/g.
Measures recommended by the Ad Hoe Committee for minimizing levels
of radioactivity in Pandanus (removing 2 inches of soil at the plentings
site over an area covered by the crown of mature trees) may also be needcd
for planting coconut trees on Bikini.
determined with present information.

Whether this is needed cannot be
If needed, tne justification would

not be so much the protection of the Bikini people but rather to minimize
the level of

137 Cs


in the copra meal that Js a byproduct of production of

ccconut oil.



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