Seat _ | we 1061 / . - “ EE ly zm ~ x ~ j ct vty 1.35182 - : af Tee YG y Nee” Duncan Leputy for Administration TG 7.1 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory _ 5 7 Los Alamos, New Mexico In order to interpret the information obtained from Sendia Corpora= S tion's blast records on Operation Ivy, it is desirable to have the : i, air temperature, barometric pressure, wind velocity (speed ani 2 direction) and relative hunidity along the atoll from zero through Elmer for the Mike shot and on Yvonne end Elmer for the King shot immediately preceeding shot time. zs It would be appreciated if you would forward us any information you Ueginal Signec Sy HARLAN & LERANODER a H. E. Lenander Departzent £230 326 US ATOMIC ENERGY : ppPedy Te] revo ay i | a Vere a "A + CollectionTech. 1332 - rer te O-| rVY i COL No. ee _____Folder) ACCOUNTAE LY CARD ibe # Cirtunte“yf ¥ t —_—— ey 1 O~ —_ '4 a ae} rT wn 4 COMMISSION 7 BY AUTHORITY OF DOE/oG ae he oor RR OOF HOR ORL N“ wet ae J eR “prea * * om ce > 0 mc , ae ° rh SEF A : aft Location Folder CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED LT I Oe eesPRINSANY 4 RG BEST AVAILASLE COPY 20 wo 1k he wo. 4 _ May = wae - fipal ran HELigt .