Sampling Mission:
Red 1 was directed into the small portion of the cloud visible belo
the overcast at 35,000 ft. and Red 2 was directed to go in blind at 38,0

ft. at the estimated position of the cloud at that level.

Red 1 was abl

to collect a major portion of his assigned sample, while Red 2 was low
by a factor of three,

Hotshot II aborted so Hotshot I was started climb

ing for II's assigned altitude at 48,000 ft. and a call sent to base for
the Tiger Spare aircraft to come out and take over the 42,000 ft level.

Hotshot I was able to collect about 2/3 the desired sample, but the Tigi
Spares at 41,000 ft. were unable to catch up with much cloud material, :
were down in sample size by a factor of thirty.

Hotshot III was able tk

collect the desired sample in the light and variable layer at 51,000 ft.
Hotshot IV aborted and Cassidy endeavored to make up for both Hotshot I]

and IV by starting at the eastern border of the cloud at 44,000 ft. and
working west and up for about 250 miles, emerging at 52,000 ft. near the
landing field on Eniwetok, very low on fuel.

Cassidy collected a sample

size equivalent to both Hotshot II and IV's assignments; at, of course,
appreciable increase in dosage,



Select target paragraph3