
Determinations should be made of body burdens of
cesium 137 and strontium 90 at the end of the

first year of residence on the Atoll and as appro-

priate thereafter.
Baseline surveys prior to
relocation would be desirable.
Resurveys of en-

vironmental radiation levels on the Bikini Atoll
and estimates of radionuclides in food should be

made periodically.

These surveys will provide a

continual check of the radiation status of the
people: and environment and will help form a basis
for decision as to the time of rehabitation of

islands outside of the Bikini-Eneu complex.


Special efforts should be made to ensure a balanced

and adequately nutritious diet.

For example, a

dietary supplement of powdered milk would mate-

rially reduce strontium 90 uptake by relieving the
calcium deficiency usually associated with their
Respectfully submitted:
John C. Bugher, Del Ray Beach, Florida, formerly Director of
AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine, now retired.
Robert A.

New York.

Charles L.


Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,

Dunham, Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences of

the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences,
Washington, D. C.

John H. Harley, Director, Health and Safety Laboratory, Atomic
Energy Commission, New York City.

S. Allan Lough, Assistant Director for Radiological Physics
of AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine.
John B. Storer, Deputy Director of AEC's Division of Biology
and Medicine, Washington,

Paul Tompkins,

D. C.

Executive Director, Federal Radiation Council,

Washington, D. C.

Shields Warren, Scientific Director, Cancer Research
Institute, New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, Mass.






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