NON-EXPOSED N = 68 EXPOSED [| FS FA No hearing loss [| Normal Unilateral loss FA 1 Abnormal %: Bilateral loss fF 2 Abnormal ‘ i s. Figure 1. Occurrence of unilateral and bilateral hearing loss in children of radioactive-falloutexposed and nonexposed parents. Figure 2. Tympanogram results for children with hearingloss. A second group of Marshallese that had not been exposedto the fallout has been observed as a control group to help identify any unforeseen risks resulting from the fallout. In addition, examina- METHODS In all, 131 project children were exam- SPN ae EE POE a Seth aA Ot lat PROJECT FOCUSES ON “2BREETSESEOso eeeresee eeeee ee N = 66 RADIATION-EXPOSURE VICTIMS The mandate of the Brookhaven medical project is to diagnose andtreat radiationrelated illnesses in a group of Marshallese living on Rongelap and Utirik atolls who wereaccidentally exposed to radioactive fallout of the Bravo nuclear bomb test at Bikini atoll on March 1, 1954. Total body exposure was estimated at 190 rads of absorbed external gamma radiation at Rongelap, 110 rads at Ailingnae, and 11 rads on Utirik.? The original group included residents of those islands. The project examines and treats 1200 to 1400 persons each year. Voluntary examinations have been given by the Brookhaven medical team overa 30-year span. “WE LOVE YOUR BUSINESS!” among children with a family history of nuclear exposure versus those without. Always GUARANTEED with Our Persor-to-Person Service!” LONG NAME PRTED |L 3-Pack | \@® eacwcures) pure-tone audiometer (Singer Medical Products, Inc.). In the impedance mode, the MD-1 produces a probe tone of 226 Hz at 85 dB SPL. The compliance range is from 0.00 cc to 5.00 cc, with an air pressure range of +200 mm to - 400 mm H,O via an automatic pump. The results are displayed digitally. In the au- diometer mode, the MD-1 can produce pure tones of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz and 6000 Hz with an intensity range of OdB to 100 dB HLatall frequen- cies except 6000 Hz, at which the range is 0 dB to 90 dB HL. In both the impedance and audiometer modes,the instrument has an automatic calibration check upon initiation; it will correct automatically for environmental pressure and temperature changesin the impedance mode, and for variations in the attenuatorsetting in the audiometer mode. “>> AIRPOWER® | LABEL | systems™ ¢ structive cerumen, and tested hearing acuity and middle-ear function using an MD-1 microprocessor impedanceanalyzer! | SUPER LONG LIFE or 4-Pack | children of both exposed and nonexposed parents are seen. Previous studies documented elements of increased medical risk, primarily to the thyroid, for the exposed population.’ Social disruption, changesin nutritional and feeding practices, and other factors with potential impact on health might contribute to undue risk for some or ali of these Marshallese children. The study reported here offers data about monaural and binaural hearing loss and middle-ear status among children of the Marshall Islands as documented by audiometry and tympanometry. It also presents an analysis of the contribution of demographic variables. One study focus wasthe possibility of in- creased risk for ear/hearing problems “Your SATISEACTIONIs | tions and medical care are offered to many other persons not in those two groups, on the basis of humanitarian need; and each year some 400 to 500 ined, both on the island of Ebeye and on the medical ship during its stay in Majuro. The team performed otoscopic examination of the ears, removed ob- WILL: NAME PRINTED “@ om) ‘, eatin e Increase Profits! ¢ Increase Referrais! e Increase Customer Loyality! NATIONWIDE: FLORIDA: (800) 237-6541 (800) 282-3146 Circle 110 on Reader Service Card. 22 THE HEARING. JOURNAL/AUGUST 1989 J : qa gy t pos se ie E a The Litanur I] medical ship in transit to an outer-island screening visit. & ie! Sebel Oe let : SF gOS PRINS he tn N = 63