romatous, 59 tuberculoid, and 2 mixed. As shownin table 20, 83
additional cases clinically suspicious for leprosy were found in the
Saipan and Palau districts during the course of the survey. None
were reported from the Marshall Islandsdistrict.
Table 20. Results of survey for clinically suspicious
cases of leprosy, Saipan, Palau, and Marshall Islands* Districts
District and island or

FO TBAEARSA fea som Ten tM panne eeerhet gegen yee


paca ree ees capa yi


No. of



Saipan: Saipan Island


Lamotrek Atoll
Babelthuap Island


District and island or
Yap Islands
Koror Island
Satawal Island
Woleai Atoll
Elato Atoll
Fais Island


No. of


* No clinically suspicious cases of leprosy for Marshall Islands district.

The fact that the true macular lesion is not readily recognized by

other than specialists in the field may have reduced the discovery rate _
for leprosy in this survey. Recognition of leprosy was especially
difficult because of the prevalence of tinea versicolor and traumatic
contracture, both of which required differentiation from the disease.
Personnel conducting the survey were reluctant to make a diagnosis
of leprosy where there was anyquestionof its certainty.
Diseases of ear. Inflammatorydiseases of the ear occurred at the

rate of 9.8 per 1,000 inhabitants. The majority of cases were in the

Saipan district where the rate was 26.4 per 1,000 persons. Therate
in the Marshall Islands district was 11.4 and only 0.9 in the Palau

The most prevalent disease of the ear was “infection, diffuse, ex-

ternal auditory meatus.” It is an interesting fact that of the 161cases
reported, 101 were on Saipan Island. It is not known whetherpersonnel conducting the survey were more thorough in making examinations on this island than they were elsewhere or whether an epidemic

was inoccurrenceat the timeof the survey.

Other conditions. Degenerative joint disease was rather prevalent,
showing a rate of 70.6 per 1,000 inhabitants inthe three districts com-

bined. Rates were highest in the Palau district and lowest in the
Saipan district. This disease was most prevalent among the aged.

A total of 825 neoplastic diseases was reported, establishing a

prevalence rate of 14.7 per 1,000, Only 11 neoplasms were proved
malignant, although other malignancies were suspected, The malig1220

VOLUME 10, NO. 10."

pant neoplasms were distributed among theislandsoratolls as fol-

ows: Saipan, 3; Babelthuap, 2; and 1 each on Tinian, Ulithi, Woleai,
Yap, Kwajalein, and Wotje. Among the 312 benign neoplasms there
»were 114 melanomas of skin, 63 lipomas, and 29 hemangiomas and
: lymphangiomas. The bulk of these were on Majuro, Ebon, Saipan,
Yap, Babelthuap, Maloelap, and Mili.
The prevalence rate for vitamin deficiency was 8.8 per 1,000 inhabitants.

Of the 195 cases reported, 98 were on Saipan Island where

he prevalence rate was 24.2. Other islands where the rate was high

were Ine, 72.8; Arno, 57.6; and Mihi, 28.2.
Anemia, with a prevalence rate of 8.4 per 1,000 persons, was reported in substantial numbers from Saipan, Majuro, Ebon, and Mili.
According to reports of this survey anemia was practically nonexistent in the Palau district.
It was reported that a large numberof cases of leukoplakia buccalis
were seen on Saipan and Babelthuap Islands. These occurred principally among betel-nut chewers. A comparatively small numberof
eases were reported on the health record cards used in this study for
‘tabulation purposes. In the summary reports accompanying the
-eards, however, it was estimated that on Saipan alone over 200 cases
of leukoplakia buccalis were observed. Many of these were verified
by biopsy. It was further pointed out in the reports that, although
betel-nut chewing was also a commonpractice on the Yap Islands,
leukoplakia buecalis was not prevalent there. It was suggested that
this might have resulted from the oral mud packs used on Yap to
hide the staining effect of the betel nut. The mud packs were not used
on Babelthuap. The reports from Saipan did notstate whether mud
packs were used there.

In the summer of 1948 a survey staff aboard the U.S.S. Whidbey

began a health survey of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
its objective being a physical examination of every inhabitant of
the area. This report covers the civil administrative districts of the
Saipan, Palau, and Marshall Islands. Fifty-two percent of all
stools examined were positive for intestinal parasites. The most
prevalent. intestinal parasites were hookworm, Trichuris, and Ascaris.
Approximately 50 percent of the Kahntests were positive. This

was judged to be evidence of the yaws infection on the islands. Of

those receiving chest. x-ray examinations, 4.5 percent were found
to have chest defects and 1.3 percent were suspected of having active
;, pulmonarytuberculosis. The numberof chest tumors, cardiovascular



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