
Upton, New York 11973




(516) 345- 3577

November 9, 1977

The Utirik Council
Attention, Acting Magistrate Mein Henos
Utirik Atoll
Marshall Islands

Thank you for your nice letter.
I am very happy about
you writing and appreciate what you said about our past work.
I am particularly happy that you have asked Dr. Knudsen to
return and I will ask him to deliver this letter to you when
he visits you in December.
We are sorry to see Dr. and Mrs.
Knudsen leave the Marshalls.
They have done an excellent job
and have always wanted to help the Marshallese people.
We are getting two new doctors.
One is Dr. Pratt, an
excellent doctor who will be taking my place when I retire a
little over a year from now.
The other is Dr. Grant who has
been working for the Trust Territory at the Ebeye Hospital.
He is a very good doctor and will be taking Dr. Knudsen's
place when he leaves.
They will be with me on the big survey
in April.

We also have a new Physician's Assistant,



who you will meet with Dr. Knudsen.
So you can see we are trying to give you the best medical care that is possible.
I am very glad that the Compensation bill has been signed
by the President.
As you know, I have pushed for this for you
for a long time.
I hope you will receive the money soon.

We are looking forward to the annual examination on Utirik
around April.
JI will have a number of doctors and technicians
with me and we will examine everyone on the island that wishes
to be examined.
We will also treat people who need it.
My best wishes to all the Utirik people and thank you again
for your nice letter.
Yalwe kom,

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Robert A. Conard, M.D.

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