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Protocol 1973

the survey in order
the AEC Honolulu Office, has agreed to accompany us on

to help answer any AEC-directed questions from the Marshallese.

Streenan has always been
In addition to
public relations man and
accompanying the team to


extremely helpful in logistic support of our
the above personnel, Mr. Carl Thien, a BNL
Mr. Douglas Humphrey, photographer, may be
document various aspects of the survey.

The following is a tentative roster of personnel participating in the
survey with possible assignments:

Dr. Robert A.


Administration Assistant, Routeing of people:
Medical Histories:
To be designated (T.T.)
Physical Exams:

Mr. Bill Scott (BNL)

Dr. Yon Wolff (NIH)
Dr. Reed Larsen (Univ. Pittsburgh)
Dr. Knud Knudsen (BNL and Marshall Islands)

Dr. Ezra Riklon (T.T.)*

Diabetic Survey:



Dr. James Field (U. Pittsburgh)
Dr. Isaao Kisino (T.T.)* x

Mr. Nelson Zetkeia (T.T.)
Genetic Survey:

Dr. Robert Conard

Mr. Nelson Zetkeia (T.T.)

Hematological Exams:

Urine Analyses:


Mr. Sebeo Shoniber (T.T.)*

Mr. Peter Heotis (BNL)
Mr. Robert Brown (BNL) indefinite as yet.

Mr. Bill Scott

X Rays and Photography:

Radiological Surveys:


Ernest Libby (T.T.)*3 Electronics - Mr. Douglas

Clareus BNL)
Dr. Stanton Cohn (BNL)
Mr. John Rothmann (BNL)

Personnel Monitoring:
Environmental Surveys:

AEC Representative:
Public Relations:

To be designated (BNL)

To be designated (Univ. Washingt:

Mr. William Streenan (AEC, Honolulu)
Mr. Carl Thien (BNL)
Mr. Douglas Humphrey (BNL)

Possible guests from Micronesian Congress:

Senator Olympio Borja
Mr. Bryan Farley


*To be approved by Trust Territory


Select target paragraph3