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to environmental conditions should not threaten the vigor and viability
of the species.

This consideration alone affords a wide margin of safety

when considering possible ecological effects of environmental levels of
radiation .


Question 7B
' In your opinion, is there any threat to animals or plants if"present nuc lear
policies continue indefinitely, unchanged?

Answer 7B
As long as environmental levels of radiation limit risk to man to
acceptable levels, most biologists would consider that they represent no
threat to other species.


‘ In other words, can we increase the use of Plowshare explosives and nuclear
reactors indefinitely, without needing to consider any additional controls
over consequent environmental contamination?
Question 7D

If we cannot, how soon do you think we should start discussing additional

Answer 7C and 7D
At present, the use of Plowshare explosives and nuclear reactors is
. subject to the guidance of the FRC and regulatory agencies.

Any increased

“use in the future would also be subject to this guidance.

Should changes in the controls concerning environmental contamination

be necessary for any reason, these organizations would undoubtedly initiate
suitable precautions for protecting the public health and safety.

Select target paragraph3