
: with particular attention to significant nuclides and critical pathways
’ by which the various nuclides reach man is considered to be the best .
policy to pursue.

fission process.

There are about 200 radionuclides formed by the






Fortunately for analysis, most of the radionuclides


are of little health consequences because of their short radiolcgical
half-lives or other physical or chemical characteristics such as being

highly insoluble.

It is possible to estimate the radiation doses to various

organs of the body primarily by ¢dnsidering 5 significant radionuclides that are

deposited internally, i. e., ilodine-131, strontium-90, cesium-137, carbon 14
- and tritium.

Question LA
Can the 1968 estimated total be subdivided into meaningful categories
according to half-lives?

X curies of nuclides with half-lives of less than 1 day?

X curies with half-lives between 1-10 days?

X euries with half-lives between 10-365 days?

X curies with half-lives between 1-100 years?
X euries with half-lives between 100 end one million years?
X ecuries with half-lives over a million years?
Isn't such data essential in order to meet our future needs for containment
and storage, to calculate the accumulation of uncontained nuclides, and to
comprehend the ecological consequences , if any?

Answer —
Acurie is a unit of radioactivity and is defined as the quantity of
any radioactive species in which 3.7 x 101° nuclear disintegrations occur

per second.

However, the definition says nothing about the types of radiation

given off or their biological effectiveness to cause injury to a biological

Categorization by half-life is inadequate for hazards evaluation

Select target paragraph3