lexels and current ground level deposition in ground level air concentration

in Canada ard the U. S.
In response to the second question, a Health and Satety Laboratory

Report (HASL-207 App) of gross gamma concentrations in surface air during 1968,
‘. observed_at 21 stations in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, indicated that the gamma radioactivity at Moosonee, Ontario, was only slightly

lower (approximately 25%) than three stations in the U. S., namely, New York
City, New York, Sterling, Virginia, and Miami, Florida.

The analysis on all

of these air samples was done in the Health and Safety Laboratory; thus,
the results were comparable.

As previously stated, gross beta air concentrations

presently reported from Canada and U. S. Air Surveillance networks are not
comparable due to difference in equipment used for analysis.

Further, it

would not be expected that there would be any correlation between past levels



. of deposited radioactivity and current levels of radioactivity in ground

level air.

Question 4D
According to the Radiation Alert Network, gross beta radioanalysis of the |

air is "insufficient to assess total human radiation exposure from fallout."

Apparently, gross beta analysis fails to detéct tritium, carbon-14, iron-55,
veryllium-7, manganese-5i, chromium-51, argon-57, and krypton-85, as well
as all the alphaemitting nuclides like uranium, thorium, plutonium, radium,
radon, and polonium-210.
In your opinion, do the present systems of environmental monitoring provide
sufficient data for anyone to comprehend the extent to which we are contaminating our environment?

Answer 4D
Information obtained from the U. S. Public Health Service Radiation

Select target paragraph3