
present levels of radiation are sufficiently low that variation by such a
factor is not critical.

If the radiation levels were to approach applicable

guidance of the FRC it would be necessary to define the exposure of individual population groups much more closely «

On exception to the geographical uniformity described is the localized
distribution of ilodine-131 from atmospheric weapons testing or substantial

venting of underground explosions.
in 1968.

This has not produced significant exposure

Similar local contamination is also possible from nuclear facilities.

These are monitored, and there are no data indicating significant exposure

in 1968.
- Question 4
According to the H. E. W.'s Radiological Health Data and Reports, American
Air, rain, and river-water is regularly monitored for gross radioactivity.
Is anyone monitoring the sea?

Especially on the Continental Shelf?

What has made the average level of gross beta contamination in American
air chronically teh times higher than the average gross beta contamination

in Canadian air for the past 12 months?


Is it true that, during the atmospheric tests, Canada received more fallout

than we did?

If so, then why is our air more contaminated now? ©

According to the Radiation Alert Network, gross beta radioanalysis of the

air is "insufficient to assess total human radiation exposure from fallout."

Apparently, gross beta analysis fails to detect tritium, carbon-l4, iron-55,

beryllium-7, manganese-54, chromium-51, argon-57, and krypton-85, as well
as all the alphaemitting nuclides like uranium, thorium, plutonium, radiu,

radom,and polonium-210,



In your opinion, do the present systems of environmental monitoring provide
sufficient data for anyone to comprehend the extent to which we are contaminating our environment? -.

Select target paragraph3