Environmental water analyses usually assume unidentified beta activity to

be strontium-90 for this reason.


Comparable effort is devoted to predicting radionuclide yields from
nuclear devices.

For ‘both nucleur devices and reactor fuel cycle activi-

-; ties, exposure estimates based on radionuclide releases are supplemented
and verified by evaluations based on actual measurements.
Question 1LE

If this data does not exist, even an estimate, do you think we ought to
start keeping such inventories?

We do not feel that total inventories for all radionuclides need be


However, there are certain radionuclides for which inventories have


been determined so that the information would be available for research or
other investigative purposes.

The present approach of careful surveillance

of the environment and developing data in a meaningful manner to evaluate .
' potential hazards to man is sufficient.

If new and unusual potential

problems present themselves, evaluations and procedures will be modified
to meet the need.
As the nuclear power industry grows it will continue to be AEC policy

to provide long-term storage for the high-level wastes at a relatively
small number of Federal repositories.

For design and planning purposes,

it will become increasingly important to have inventories of these types
of wastes at a central point.

Select target paragraph3