a aA ‘ / ao. v 7 COMBATT AL 787/35 July 16, 1956 COPY NO,24 . 408807 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSTON LIST OF FOREIGN OBSERVERS FOR FLIGHT TO PACIFIC oy PROVING GROUND Note by the Secretary The attached letter from the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (AE) is circulated for the information of the Commission by request of the General Manager, The letter has been referred to the Division of Military Application, - College Park REPOSITORY Naar Wi, B, MeCOOL Serer] COLLECTION S98 BOX No. 18% FOLDER WN3- 326-13 2018 Rak 7 dwin DISTRIBUTION L 2-5, 27 6 Deputy Gen, Mgr, Asst, Gen, Mgr, Mfg, Asst. Gen, Mgr, R&ID Asst, Gen, Mgr, Adm, General Counsel Biology & Medicine information Inspection International Affairs Military Application Research Albuquerque Oprns, San Francisco Oprns, - oly ae f 9 10 11 - 12 13 _ : TM Cace ONey 14 ONFIBMED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED 16 wW J CHBOSAK ADC @ 15 Intelligence Secretariat vil + COPY _NO, Secretary Commissioners General Manager Security Secretary 17 - 18 19 20 el 22 23 DO Uf F.Gi: OF DECLASBIFICATION - DATE: OO95 When ures hand—e this document aS..seDmes UNCLASSIFIED au - 26 This material contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, U.S,C,, Sec, 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Wwe CONFIDENTIAL x