
Approved a letter to the Joint Committee on the

subject as draited by the Chairman. (See AEC 495/16,
subsequently circulated.)

Test Program

The General Manager reviewed the views of Dr. Willard F. Libby
concerning arrangements for future test operations,* The General Manager
said that he had met with General Fields, Dr. Bugher, Mr, Fine and

Dr, Scoville (of AFSW P) to discuss this subject, As a result of these

discussions, he felt that no change in current plans and procedures was
At this point Messrs, Isenbergh and Morrison entered the meeting.

Community Disposal Legislation (See AEC 87 Series)
Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Isenbergh discussed the question whether the

Commission might rely upon the authorizations contained in the present
Atomic Energy Act to dispose of the communities of Oak Ridge and
Richland, A Commissioner had seriously questioned the need for

special disposal legislation and Mr. Isenbergh said that, in his opinion,
specific legislative authorization for disposal was necessary, The Commissioners indicated that the staff should proceed with the program to
obtain legislative authorization for disposal.



Approved by the Commission: May Il, 1954

* A copy of Dr, Libby's letter on this subject is on file in the Office of
the Secretary.



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