


accordingly with a real possibility that charter fees may be involved.

My staff is presently working with KIEC9, and KITCO and Peace

Corps officials to try to finalize the "regular field trip schedule"

for the first quarter at 1967 (i.e. January # March).

They will, of

course, give maximum consideration to the requirements of you and
your team. We will advise yo. further, as soon as practicable.

We look forward to your return, as well as of the many old
friends we note on your team listin,, and assure you that you shall
receive our maximum cooperavion and assistance.

Dwight Heine

District Administrator
Marshalls District

Majuro, s.arshall Islands

Acting Director Mede Serve, Saipan

District Director of PH, Marshalls

Asste Comnissioner for Comnunity Services
Asst. Commissioner for Resources
Distad Rep. Ebeye
LJO Kwajalein
Administrative Officer, liarshalls

Select target paragraph3