abies tot sarhdibvatlete som te te thadeaintene Aa emmpenrmmunanininm A
nd reeks,






(1) Conteninatec Tuna,
(2) Apprehension of long-range contanination of Japan and its fishing grounds,

(3) Radiological factors affocting the fishernent
(a) Estineting the whole bocy as6e.
(b) Estimated Goso from intornel onittors,
Contaninate. Tins



Sone of the Jepencse Governaont officinls sre alrescy roferring to

the lattor half of Merch as the "creat tuna panic", ‘The origin of this
penic both in the Unitcd States anc Japan is worthy of carcful stucy.

The cxtent of tho tune consunption in the Unitec Statcs andJapan Geclined
curing the sccondé half of March is not known to nec at this tine, For
a cay prior to my coparture from New York on March 19, snd for 2 wecks
following ny arrival in Tokyo on Merch 22 the subject of radioactive tuna
2s a subject of populer convorsation, When one consiceors the reaction
of tho informed Amcricen vublic to the possibilities of contamination of
tuna it is not surprising thet tho Japancse wore stampedec into apprehension ovor the imociate prospects of their cating radioactive tuna
ant. the long-range prospects of their fishing grounds being ruined,

(A) Tuna Fishing iniustry of Japan L/




The Jazancse fishing floct at the oresent tine consists. ‘of. ebowbsen:

1,000 vessels oper-ting out of ton major yorts, The annual value of tho:
tuna catch eporoximates $26 million, The principal cxport specics is,

albacor, Sixty porcent of the landod plbacor catchwent to Japaneses
cerners enc. forty percent was shipped abroac in- froezorsy—
= Sixty” percent F:
of the albacor are crught in the summer season which extents fron May.
through July, During this season, the fishing érouncs ar
are located
relatively close to the Asiatic ccast.
During the winter months, Jenuary through Merch, the Japencse
vessels range fer out te sca, The winter sexson accounts for forty
percent of the annual cstch,


Conterineatcee Tuna in Janzen

Tho rukuryu Meru lanced at Yaigu with e, catch of 28,000. pounes of
We mst accept the fact tiat these tune were oxcessively con

taninstod anc that the Ccecision of the Japancse to Cispose of these

_L. 4n execllont report of technicel inform-tion about the Japanese
tuna fishorics in Japen is Report No. 104 issue’ by the Natural Ro~

scurces Scction of SCaP in Merch, 1948,


Select target paragraph3