


Avorunonsion of Long Range Contenination of Jean ene.“its 7
rishin: Grounds

Japenese aporehcnsions over the possibility of long range

raciolovical contamination worc vory siniler to those we on-

A cifferenco in Jvsen is cuc to tho fact that none, if any, of
the counting cquipment is calibrated, Gi tubes are used without shiclis,
and under con*itions where the pack-round count is apt tobe highly variable,
This, couplec with tho fact that they co not know tho backgrounc activitics
of such things as soil anc biolosicnl natorials, uekes it very difficult
to cvaluste the reports, Msny of tho reports cf "ash" fallins in various ©

parts of Japan are undoubtedly cust or scot falls that occur normally in

any industrial arca from tine to time, Reputable scientists have exanined
s*mples of potassiuzw-rich soil and have reported their data is «ross
counts without any refcrenco to normal soil backzround, For this reason
I find it very Cifficult to teke soricus the frequent zubdlic report of
50 to 100 counts por minute for the unspesificd size of samsles, reported
fron tine to time,
‘At my conference with the Jagan sciontists ene government officials
on Merch 22, I explainec the yroceéurcs wo use in the States for
moessuring fallout. I urges them to use sinilar yrocecures fa the
stko of uniformity and offcrec to loan then the equipment wo usec, They
scone cagcr to accept and I requestet 4 sects of equipment which has

amend tte

since arrivec fron the States,

Howover, since the arrival of this.

ccuinnent, I have ccleyed civing it to the Jazencse becauso in their:

present state of mind littlo sooé coulé come of it,

that when tho present confusion subsites, if

I Go believe,
will.be ‘uscful..:



for the Jepencse to naintain a fall out monitoring network andI “thine

we snoulc cooperate with thom ts the fullest ocxtent,

In a conference with Dr, Koteyoshi on March 26, I inforneehimof22.

my convorsation with Dr, Bugher and his offer in behalf of
the Atonic
Enorgy Commission, to provide financisl support for narine biological

studics cirecteca at the long range contamination of the Pacific,. Dr,


Kotayoshi, through his intcorprotor, cxpressed his aozreciation for this

offbxz but cic not sursue the nettor further and hes not approached
me since,
nie ae et 1O AOREtoe AER ee




+ Anne in eteelationetane a ntsatibebiibee 15-5

countered in the Unitec. States 1s a result of NPG opor=tions,

With reserc. to fallout on the Jap=ncse islands thmsclves, it is to
be renenbered that the position of theso islanés in relatioa to possible
sites of weapons testing is such thrt tho Russian tcesiing program is apt

to procuce nore fallout then cvonts in the Marshalls or Heveata,


EUsticatine the Whole Bocy Dose

I coubt thet it will be vossible to meke © satisfactory estinate of

cithor the Beta or Gamma dose the fishermen received,

We know that the

ash fell in such quantities that th. ccck of the ship became white, anc

there was sufficicnt natcrial to Cevolop visible footprints, Unfortunately,
this is the Linit of ow informeticn on how much ash fcll and how long
it romaincd on the ship. The fishermen washes. tho accks in order to romove
tho ash and accorcins to thoir rezorts thoir washing was cffcctive, When
the vessel arrivec in Yeizu nuch of what rcmainct wes removed,



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