cleanup meeting the guidelines established by the AEC(ERDA)

in their Task Group Report has been accomplished.


Performing, with full reimbursement from DNA, radiological
support for the cleanup operation to include (but not
limited to):


Day-to-day field monitoring, dosimetry and recordkeeping

pertaining to health and safety of cleanup personnel
and other atoll residents and visitors.


Radiological classification of material for removal,

disposal, or re-use.


Certification, on an island-by-island basis, when radiological

cleanup meeting the guidelines established by the AEC/ERDA in
their Task Group Report has been accomplished.


Establishment, operation, and maintenance of a field
laboratory to support the above functions.


Defense Nuclear Agency
Agrees to accomplish the cleanup and disposition of hazardous
radioactive and physical debris substantially in accordance with
good engineering practice and the criteria contained in the
Environmental Impact Statement entitled "Cleanup, Rehabilitation,

Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands,'' April 1975.
Further, DNA agrees to provide coordination, direction, and base

Select target paragraph3