The chips were annealed on the atoll immediately prior to being placed on the

islands for the roughly three-month exposure period which ends during September 1975.
\t that time, the chips will be retrieved for readout at LLL.

Calibration and signal

wen. . SuuieSs are DCing carried out by exposing separate sets of chips to a 137.
point source before and after the exposure period.

oaem oar






The results of the TLD measurements


the geosrapnic.) varisii..*y ot the yvamna exposure rates for S3ixini and Encu
islands are shown in Figs. 2 and 3.

These data, expressed in units of microroentgens

per hour (uR/hr), have been normalized to the output from the pressurized ion chamber.
“ote that the levels for Bikini Island are considerably higher than those for Eneu Island.
Also note the complex patterns displaved on Bikini Island.

This complexity may possibly

be due to the inhomogeneity in the original fallout pattern produced by the Bravo event
as well as the extensive earth-moving activities performed over the entire island as
part of the agricultural rehabilitation program.

The exposure rates near the shores are

typically of the order of 10-20 uR/hr, while the elevated interior values vary over a wide

range of roughly 30-100 UR/hr.

The interior portions of the island may be visualized as

having a general background of about 30-40 uR/hr with numerous irregularly shaped areas
:xhibating elevated levels superimposed in a random fashion over this general background.
Eneu Island, on the other hand,

is characterized by low (less than 10 uR/hr) and more or

less uniformly distributed gamma radiation levels over the entire island.

These exposure

rates are expected to be accurate to within approximately 10%, although final confirmation
of this must wait until the results of the TLD program become available.

No corrections

nave been made for the natural background contribution.
Based upon our experience at Enewetak Atoll? and the data of Bennett and Beck*
collected during the 1967 Bikini survey, we expect the primary contribution to the gamma
“~ynosure rates to be due to


Cs and 6005 activities in the soil.

other gamma emitters such as bosch

Trace quantities 9of

tse, and 24d ay are expected to contribute at most

a few percent to the total exposure rates.

The gamma spectral analyses of the several

hundred soil samples collected on both islands will reveal the current mix of these

External Dose Estimation
In addition to the gamma-ray exposure rates, one needs to consider the expected
living patterns of the future inhabitants in order to evaluate the external dose problem.
Of course, many uncertainties are inherent in the prediction of future living patterns.
However, the following cases, shown in Table 1, have been proposed as a reasonable

selection of possible conditions that would cover the range of doses that could be
received by any sizable segment of the population. °

This will allow any other reasonable

Select target paragraph3