Mr. Theodore R. Mitchell


JAN 16 1974

logical and in the best interests of the people of Enewetak for us
to proceed at this time. The first actual drilling for the groundwater study should occur during the last few days of January or the
first of February. I expect to be at Majuro on about the sixth of'
February and would be pleased to further describe the program to
Chips at that time. Meanwhile, should you have any questions about
our progress, please let me know.

Roger Ray, Assistant Manager
for Operations


Ys -.


Oscar DeBrum, Dist. Admin.,
Majuro, MI
Hamlet J. Barry, IIT,
MLSC, Majuro, MI

Dir., DNA, WashDC (Attn: John Lewis)

Maj. Gen. Ernest Graves, AGK/MA, AEC HQ
Dr. N. F. Barr, DBER, AEC HQ
M. A. Rowden, Gen. Counsel, AEC HQ
Dr. W. E. Nervik, LLL/Livermore
-Dr. V. £. Noshkin, LLL/Livermore
Dr. Philip Helfrich, EMBL, Kaneohe, HI
. Earl Gilmore, H&N/Anaheim
W. B. Hills, Dir., PASO, AEC/Hono

Select target paragraph3