The rropram wat 1 intesrats Boe twoocrdretsies of monttoring. “he
Cirst waa a natecre ot
x - tonttering staticns reporting data rerularly to the Trak * Sree
he secant cans isted of aerial monitoring

sqiadecn alreraft over arectf{fed tstanrtea fle

Tighta by “aye pees
Towing @ach bursts





Fined PrgtotentNeteork

Saneral Tee eiptatse

Me fixet network inks tally consisted of eiphtean

jana monitorény gations chieflyin the Marsnall, Caroline, and Vari+

anh Telanis tut ectend(nd to tre Pailiogines, Caco, fawalt, and Alaska.
he mimber ard tecation 1 the sites wera screwhat modified in the

The gazma intensity at each of the auton.



+ atath ac (excerpt Use.

was recorded at 0500, 1200, 1800, and 24 2 daily cy resiact 9, rat

ing personnel and transrittad to the daol representative at Tic Force

The instruments were routbiely “heckeid each 2 for proper ra uot
Tesponse. This test, wmicn cons.eteu ano.
to @ low intensity tuitton source placed neous
means of detactia. circutt f-ilures.


and Xwajalein, visited the -.:utoring static

calibration aid to effect repairs as require 4.

Many of the wonitoring units installed were wousnei ts record thy

course of ta teat series. The stations, with one extention were
manned, and repurts of gamma paitation were trarsmittad repularly to
tha task force at xix, twelve, or twenty-four hour intervals eoen?ing
an theip pegitinns relative to the urov ing, grounds. The twelve sta-

beta dust concentration continuously a3 »

with L2G v AT autema’ le cont'nuously recording gamma moni. ory } aving

These mc .aurte ents
were obtained by scanning « small grouni area {roa a height of t->.¢
feat, eter reaiin.s of less than 0.05 ar/hr were attribut od tec, skeBound retiation and were reported as nesative values. Data sas tr

tions within 15nautical miles of the oroving rrounis were <uis ped

& rang eof «OL te to mpfr. A battery crerated automacic monitors
(Ujelang* where facilities for a manned sta
on one istand
was placed
ite Data was recovera!l from this station after
tion were unava ll rt
each burste

: = remote stations heyond 19CU miles were crovided with nortable 3M
survey {natramenta having a range of ©.0l to 20 mr/ir. Twice daily
measurements of focal garma activity were transmitted once a day from

thase stations to tha task force.

Data wns transmitted dy admin.strative teletyne messy ces from ult hit
four stationa which were weather otservation vosts m. intaingd Sy une

task foren. Faltcut data fron these locations were upcended te rautine data trareminsions wo the tark forea weather central.


The principle reason “or establishing the icst -ument acrd-

ork wae to provide a reliable fallout detection system by

neang of which terial surveys could be selected and timed to rroduce
a ninisum of negative flights. Increases in radiaticn intersiti x at
the autematic aonitorirg stations were kncewn at Task Force Meadquarters
within « fow hours after their occurrence.

*lratriments are feseribed in Section VI.

we eed Pe dhati une


fortunately, all of the beta chamels failes 45 a reaalt of varLiavs
mechanical and electrical difficulties after snors -erlois af oper.ti on.

egtted dally from gach station te fask Force Keaiquarters.

The instruments were tested aach day for correct. operation and radiation response in a manner sicdlar to that e-pluyea for the autovutic


Faulty instruments were replacea after notification of ToC

Project Headquarters titu


Receipt and Utilization of Mixed Nutwork Data.

Raviatian inter it,

Yeports were tabulated chronolocically S. location az they wer. received at the Task Force H.adquarters. khen a reported increas ‘as
indicative of significant fallout, a survey CLi,nt aver a pattern
which included the isla: ; “ro- wuleh fie re:

rt urpiaratii wis ree

quested of the appropriate patrol g.usiron, Froct the rancrt recy a
wpon completion of tha suvrey CLight, a corpresensivea cresenativin
fallout intensities within the velect d pattems was made a.calail °
the tas. force raidsafe of.icer and sther int-restei task force yo.

In asdition, the transe
a-P p.shata nc data Pras the
toring stations provi 22 ane curtain ou ae ok patentlel rasiatis
posure at thase locations. weekiy cu arly os Cumulative eapuw
were tabulated for each station.



Select target paragraph3