pletely absord all the moisture within the Instrument case after

it had been sealed,

High Sach RE « The frequent use of several large sources by
from other projects in the vicinity of the radsafe

buliding, where the HASL instruments were serviced on Parry, prr-

vented calibration of the low end of the TH-3-8 and TH-3-¢ scales.
An increase in background of as mich as ten tines over the normal

of 6M to .015 mr/nr was noted at such times.

Fallout from BPAY raised the background at Eniwetok so that low
end scale calibration was impossible at any time; in order to

continue the program, a1] low level SCINTAMETERS were soved to
Kwajalein for servicinge On occasion, the fallout even on Kwajalein was sufficlont to prevent low end calibration, although
these periods were of relatively short duration.

Background radiation rarely interferred with the calibration of
the wien level SCINTAMETERS, the minisum scale reading being
1 arfhe.

the vibrator-transfermer (vitran) reed adjustment. cauging erratic


To correct this, foam rubber pads wece provided tc

cushion the instrument within the survey aircraft.

osming Ditficultiege Ninor circuit difficulties be ame sevice
ant shortly after arriva, at the forward area “ut these were
easily corrected. Circuit component failures vere infrequent.
Faulty components were replaced from a stock of spare parts aaliae
tained in the forward ares.

Battery replacement was necessary on the average after 20 houre
of meter operation. Replacement necessitated opening the instrument case. fach tine this was done where an air conditioned room
was unayatiabdle the ustramert remined out sf service for up te

2h houre until tha celsture hed drted,

The vitran in the power supply was the souree of tue. Leoubles
which were corrected sfter they were discovered. Tene vere: (1)
failure of the vitran to start when the instrument wee tumed on,

(2) noise causing erratic meter fluctuations.

The first dirrti-

culty was casily eliminated by a simple adjustment of the vitran
reed. The latter problew required # more critical reat adjust~
ment or cleaning of the conta:*. It wae found that much of thia
noise was being coupled inte we circuit through & common ground
from the vitran and filament batteries, Running separates ground

leade from Uieee two sete of batteries directly ts the connector -

Joining the battery section to the cirmuit section eliminated the
necessity of a fine adjustment of the vitran ceed and also stabil-

ised severel. instruments for which « noise free operating point

B. Field Operation. In field use, the SCIN"AMETERS were found
to be most satisfactory by task force personnel who used the instruments. Those characteristics wiich wems commented about
moet frequently are: dependable operation, stable calibration,
simle controls, single scale, wide range, and sealed circuit.
The last chareeteristic was particularly helpful for cloud tracking service since the instruments were inaensitive to altitude


Position in Aircraft. Our experience has sicow that the position
of the instrument within the aircraft must be selected so that
the radiation from radium dials on navigational instruments is
negligible and the ahsorbing material underneath is sininal and

moisture seal of ths eircuit cases Greatest utility could be.
realized if batteries could be integrated in a case that could be
Plugged into the circuit case such that a spare battery set coul!
be easily interchanged in the field by a non-trained Operator.

If repetitive surveys are planned, the same position within the
aircraft should be used each tine.

(3) The vitran should cz modified, possibly by shock mounting or



(A position over 2 gasoline tank is unders-rable).


could not be found by adjusting the reed.
Recommended Modificationgs

(1) Float point and gain controle should be accessible fron cut~

side the sealed circuit cases.


Battery clngee should ve pusaible without deatroying the

eliminated in favor of a more stable power supply if one could b.
found with comparable high efficiency.


Fe napetT RI Te

tine an inatrument was resealed to allow the tesicant to beonme
effective. Cecagionally, calibration of sne instrument would
require several days because of the waiting periods. Frequently
the mmidity was so high the package of dealcant could not com

At times either aircraft vibration or rough handling affectoa

ce ee ME

the instrument case so that a waiting period was required every

pocpersaite, ot eine oe

Calibration waa Likewise a tedious procedure because of high
tunidity., Calibration controls were accessible only by oponing

Select target paragraph3