Sea: ent . Se bene de ahem yre




Snatch cntsh

TL eh aaa


mina deebeat

After BRAVO, greater interest developed in the exters and intensity
of fallout from the bursts. Greater usefulness could be derived froa
the aerial survey data for this application if fallout arrival tine
and peak fallout values were known. Cumulative radistior, could then
be sore closely estimated. “ne installation of % monitoring device
on each atoil would provide chis information most accurately but such
an enterprise wuld prove quite formidable. However, good information could be obtained by a few stations supplementing those used dur-

AG/PORATIBS, porteble londeution type mewurs, and other portable gic

miles from ground zero. The addition of Taongl, Bikar, Likiep, and
Ujae, for inatance, to the oreviously utilised Kwajalein and Rongerik,
wold present « pattern of stations at no greater than 30 apart over

wettaln OL Lae comperdlisy wesurensnte wee bate On the sare uaruy

ing CASTLE in the area of greatest internat, i.e. up to about 300

a 150 degree semicircle sround Bikini. With arrival times at these

iglands known, interpolation to estimate arrival times at intervening
islands would be valid, ‘The continous receipt of this date at Task
Force Headquarters would be desirable tut the difficulties in the support of operating teams would Likely be prohibitive. The concept of
the Ujelang operation could be repeated at these islands with the data
recovered periodically by amphibior: aircraft or ships. Most desirable
would be the transmission of the data by telemeter if a system could be
developed for this application.
Night survey flighte were not attempted during CASTLE. Had ABLE pattern been flow on the evening of B day when the request for the flight

was originated instead of noon on B é 1, the evacuation of Ailinginae

and Rongerik aight have been completed more rapidly. The night flight
wag requested at the tins because of the potentially hazardous nature

of the fallout situation even though such an eventualityhad net been

discussed with the squadron personnel.

Actually, the message request-

ing the flight didn’t arrive at the squadyon until the next morning.

sc the question of a night survey was newr presented to the equadroa.
In the later events, the need for a night survey flight never developed. It is conceivable that a difference of twelve hours could seriously delay @ decision for evacuation or some other amurgency measure.
Therefore, the possibility of night survey flights should be explored

and procedures established if feasible.

A fundamental criterion for judging the wrth of the aerial survey
phage of the monitoring program is the accurecy of the measurement, of
qround radiation intensity. Ultimately, if the aerial survey is to
be accepted with confidence, it mst be shown that it can be related
te meagorenents taken on the groand with conventional survey instrumentee The relationship of SCINTAMETER measurements at altitudes of

from $0 to 1500 ft. t) masurenents at 3' from the ground wth a variety

of instruments is fully developed jn Section VI. ‘There are considerable
data to indicate that the altitude to ground covversion curve which is
presented may be applied with reasonable confidence over different fielde
of flenion product activity.


There were two Llocsticas ‘ron whisn repetitive practical caportiscas

vetweon asrial end or mii asstcecements are avadlatle turiag CAS TLL.
Sarvey parties Tiaitad So cicdse frequently .ver « pacica Wo say

weeks after BRATO and resus aed gunna rackatiun intancittes sacn tisn.

oeters were exployed for th: asasuremunts, Ths averalas cf thas
masurements taken sutside uf buldinis ase very clauely dat. accdal
survey measurerents over fongerik, Thase data a:w plotted in ¥.g. 31.

others were not, The grosad mearuremmats tater ca fa;s is beteces
serial masurerents lie vary close to the valu. a axpactet from thee
fetical decay cileulatin.s, Jouserstive masurerdits are also plotted

for Ailinginae, Utirik, ani AdLu (figure: 37, 33, ani dL, altro sh

these are locations where unly ons set of gracad re.arenmts vers
taken, ‘The followeay survey ieamurerants salw after the De L surveys
show reascnably clos asrenment with the theoretical decay curves gf ..n

on these figures,

For sirpiicity the decays wars coazsutnl fran sash

SeW saciaum measurorent following uvent witnout ragert to res.tod
econtamination from prevics events. Since U,are was no atticd of ace
counting for the effects of wind and raia ia rehalug sontazsination,
there seened 20 reascn for core wlaborate thecratical detay conputatisns.
At Majuro, the gite af an actomatic moutter, therv are ccaparative data
Zor ean burst except NcCIaR, Hare agata, the agreanent between aaria.
and ground ceasurotants is good, Thes@ data my be found in Tabla 2,
The significant contintaation of see vaker following a turst has acw
+ been amply demonstrated. The possibility axists that thia phencsanca
cont=ibuted te the backos nd vilues recorded .-ving the aeth.L gacreys
and that those walues wre Lutcrrachly applied co the atoll meacuscents
ia computing net intesaities, S.itable proceduces mut te ¢stanlishei

% differentiate chysidr. wator activity, and aircrafttackyro.n7t 42
future applications of th: serlal sarvige

Sevarz] of the installed uutonathke -.nitoring instrwente wart ls.) pred
to measure ard receriteta iat concsatrations as well ag ges


B11 of the tats chaareas fafled within a few days after 0


It ts ussirable thas tne Luscruwats be cerfectsd for Tutura

installation. The failures results! from various mechanised) ail st ce
trical diftt{culties, No data was sttainead tegaritn: bets duct. T desirakic‘ty of obtaining such seus:rerents has probably incesss:
Father than dininished in lignt af 75e cenewatl Latersat in offal:
Ta offsite minitoring cructil iy wis officu for p.avieus d:vata touts,
the agas.rvosut of beta actin it, t2 dust mllacwi-sc filter jars wis

found te te 2 more sensitive wsasure of bows decor arrival Sia. aol

Select target paragraph3