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wonitoring station reports were used as basic criteria in determining
the need cf flights for all patterns except ABLE. With the elimination of Rongerik after "RAVO, there ves no monitoring station in the
AZLE catterne Consequently ARLE wag flown on D ¢ 2 afver each event.


This ws necessary because of the consistent upper level westerl ies.
The air survey measurezants, extrapolated to ground intensities

Plotted in Figures 15 thru 26.

ke Cumlatiye and Peak Radiation, Cumlctive redistion is listed in
Table 1 for all atolls Ta the KBLE and BAKFR patterns (all of the
Marshall group cast of Bikini) and for the islands compriging the
wat wmatic monitoring nvtwork. Tie values at atollg within the other
Survey patterns amounted to so little that they are not included ax-

cept for those with automatic snitors.

Ges naar?

SX of the permissible exposure for the test series).

The cumlative values were derived either by integration of direct
measurements in the case of the fixed stations or by use of the ‘fay“figner decay formila applied to the initial measurements following
each burst in the case of aerial monitoring,

aT Comcinynat yen

The sum of the estimated cumulative gamma at the 10 Listed locations
for the 26 day period between BRAVO and ROMEO accounts fer
a major

Part cf the total estimated for tne entire :eriess:




These values are cosputed: for the
Period from the stated event until the next and for thisreegon un~«

Goubtedly include some carry-over of contaminatione

A ANE rane ogeepita meee oe


Fae renee ateiry

The above values should not be interpreted to relate the total effective fallout from each of the devices since the sane metecrological
conditions did not obtain for each events

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(For inetance, the totel

cumilative radiation at Ponape, in the CHRLIX pattern, wee leas than

Peak radiation intensities following each burst are listed in Table Tr
These values apply to one island within each atoll surveyed, Intensities at other islands within the same atoll say have been greater
or lesser than stated for any given event.
5. Isodose Chart. Figure 27 is an iscdose chart of the Marshall
Islands based on total cumlative radiation from CASTLE at each island.

6. Correlation of Gamma Intensit, with Fallout Per Unit Area. At
many of the automatic game monitoring atations, gummed flim samp ige
were collected daily ae part of the World Yide Monitoring Yetwork.

The gummed. film analyses are reported as beta dis/min/ft*.


date from the two monitoring methods are ayallatle from these stations.



Select target paragraph3